UK Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
The Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) is a document that contains essential information for air navigation in a specific country. It is published in accordance with the provisions of Annex 15 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and is, in addition, the official document used to publish Notifications required by the UK Air Navigation Order. The UK AIP is updated every 28 days and contains information of lasting (permanent) character essential to air navigation.
All operators must be familiar with the AIP for Shoreham Airport (EGKA) and must read the latest NOTAMs before operating.
The current AIP entry can be accessed online, using the link and instructions below:
- Select Current AIP, which takes you to new page: eAIS Package UK
- Scroll down for EGKA SHOREHAM

Airport Services
Brighton City Airport is open during the hours published in the UK Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). It operates in accordance with the conditions stated in its CAA licence and provides the following services:
- Air Traffic Services (ATS)
- RNP Instrument Approach Procedure to Runway 02/20
- Rescue and Fire Fighting Services (RFFS)
- Bird Hazard and Wildlife Control
- Manoeuvring Area Inspections, FOD Reporting and Control
- Aerodrome Lighting
- Local Official Meteorological Data
- Jet A1/AVGAS Fuelling
- Aircraft Parking and Hangarage
The main runway (02/20) is paved and there is seasonal access to grass runways (usually available April to November and on request at other times dependent on surface state and weather). Runway and manoeuvring area data are published in the UK AIP.

Live weather information for Brighton City Airport is currently unavailable on our website. The latest weather is available on our automated telephone system – please call: 01273 467372.

NOTAMs (Notices to Aviation)
NOTAMs are used throughout aviation and give personnel up-to-date information on the serviceability and status of any aerodrome, along with changes to procedures and hazards relevant to their intended routing and flight operation. It will cover notifications of temporary information (usually of less than 90 days duration), or permanent information not yet included in the AIP. These change daily and can often be updated at short notice. It is important to check the up-to-date NOTAMs for your flight before operating. For the latest NOTAMs click on the link below.
Flight Planning Map: UK | NOTAM Info

Rescue and Fire Fighting Services (RFFS)
The Airport RFFS plays a vital role on the aerodrome. They not only provide critical emergency support when required on and around the aerodrome, they also perform a number of other tasks during their day which keep the airfield running smoothly. Rescue and Firefighting on the aerodrome is categorised by the size of aircraft they can deal with. At Brighton City Airport we can offer a maximum of Category 3. This allows us to be able to respond to the largest aircraft that can land here with us.
We are usually RFF Category A2 and we can operate RFF category 3 under remission.