Airport Regulations
As well as being familiar with the information in the Shoreham Airport (EGKA) AIP entry, all operators must abide by the airport regulations below:
- Use of this airport by non-radio aircraft is subject to prior permission.
- Standard light signals should be followed.
- High visibility clothing is mandatory airside. Groups of two or more people can be escorted by one wearer of high-visibility clothing (tabard/jacket) if kept together.
- Local council by-laws prohibit dogs airside unless in a suitable dog carrier or on a lead, under full control of the handler/owner.
- While airside, each aircraft commander is responsible for the safety of their passengers and other crew members.
- The parking rows numbered 70-72 and helipads H4-H6 must only be accessed by persons attending the aircraft for flight purposes. No visitors or sightseers are permitted.
- When taxiing on the grass, keep to cut-grass taxiways. The longer (uncut) grass areas are not inspected and are unfit for manoeuvring of any type.
- Maintenance is prohibited in all parking areas and main concrete apron without the express permission of aerodrome management.
- Out of hours movements (fixed wing and rotary) are strictly prohibited without an agreed extension to services.
- Unless in receipt of authorised handling, all visiting aircraft should report to the Airport RFFS office C.
- The carriage of dangerous goods into or out of EGKA, as specified by the Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) Regulations 2002, is strictly prohibited.
- Use of this aerodrome is subject to the published schedule of fees, charges, terms and conditions. Copies are available from Airport Administration and on the Airport Website www.flybrighton.com.
- Aircraft engines shall not be run outside of notified operating hours without prior management approval via ATS or Fire Crew.

Joining Procedures/VRPs
Shoreham Airport has the following published Visual reference Points (VRPs):
- To the WEST is Littlehampton (10nm West) and Washington Intersection (6nm North-West).
- To the EAST is Brighton Marina (8nm East-South-East) and Lewes Intersection (12nm East).
Joining the ATZ from the West:
The local VRP on the western boundary of the ATZ is ‘Worthing Pier’. You may be asked to report either ‘passing’ or ‘abeam’ the pier, depending on the joining instruction and runway in use.
Joining the ATZ from the East:
The local VRP on the eastern boundary of the ATZ is the ‘power station chimney’ at the Shoreham harbour entrance. You may be asked to report either ‘passing’ or ‘abeam’ the chimney, depending on the joining instruction and runway in use.

Routes & Circuit Patterns
The fixed wing circuit at Shoreham Airport is 1100 ft QFE. The circuit pattern is usually left-hand, however, this is subject to change and the ATIS or Radio Operator will inform you of this on contact. Crosswind turns shall not be made below 600 ft from Runway 02 due to helicopter activity.
Helicopter circuit patterns are established for HTA ‘W’ only. To comply with noise abatement requirements, helicopters shall remain west of RWY 02/20 strip.
Expect to enter the ATZ not above 600 ft QFE. Please note that, if Runway 02 is active, aircraft will turn westbound, not below 600 ft QFE.
- Runway 02 in use:
Left-hand circuit. Climb to the north-east to 600 FT QNH. On turning south on the downwind leg, climb to 800 FT QNH, to be level before crossing the A27. When passing over the football ground, descend to 600 FT QNH and continue to the coast before turning left toward the aerodrome and make the approach to HTA ‘W’.
- Runway 20 in use:
Right-hand circuit. Climb on a track parallel to the departure lane from the main runway. When crossing the railway line, turn right 10 degrees. Continue to the coast and turn north-east for the downwind leg. Continue climb to 800 FT QNH, to be level by the football training ground. After crossing the A27, descend to 600 FT QNH to be level before turning east. Upon reaching the River Adur, turn south towards the aerodrome and make the approach to HTA ‘W’.

Departure Procedures
Please make your initial call with your callsign and state ‘outbound’. This lets the controller know you intend to depart the aerodrome. Booking out over the radio is accepted at Shoreham Airport, however, if you wish to brief us via the telephone we’d love to hear from you!

Taxiways & Parking
We have two main taxiways at Shoreham Airport: ‘A’ and ‘K’. Taxiway A leads from the main apron to the holding point at the southern end of the 02/20 runway. Taxiway K leads around the eastern side of the aerodrome and connects to the northern end of the runway 02/20.
Please note: Twy A is 11m wide, and Twy K is 7.5m wide. Please consider this if you are operating a larger aircraft, as a backtrack on arrival, or for departure, might be necessary.
Parking is mostly available on the main apron in front of the terminal building. However when we get busy, grass parking in the surrounding areas can be used. We have two concrete helipads and four grass helipads.

The airport provides both Avgas (100LL) and AVTUR (Jet A1) at a fixed pump area adjacent to the fire station. Mobile bowsers are available upon request throughout the site.
View our current fuel prices here.
Fuel will be available during the following times:
Aircraft will be refuelled upon request and subject to availability of staff. Pilots should allow sufficient time to refuel as there can be short delays during busy periods.
ReFuelling Procedures
All refuelling is to be completed by the airport ground crew. They can be contacted via ATC, or by phone on 01273 467395. Airport users are not permitted to pump fuel from the airport fuelling facilities by themselves.
Fixed Wing:
- For aircraft requiring AVGAS, ATC will provide taxy instructions to position adjacent to the static pump installation (South Pump) along with guidance to face EAST or WEST. If an aircraft is already receiving fuel, the proceeding aircraft should form an orderly queue behind each other. Do not park on the hatch marked areas as this is used for emergency vehicles.
- For JETA1 fuel, aircraft will be directed by ATC to position adjacent to the Jet A1 bowser or, for larger aircraft, the bowser will attend the aircraft at its parked position on the apron.
- ATC will direct you to one of the helipads, where fuel will be delivered from a bowser.
Before Fuelling:
- Isolate all electrics.
- As soon as possible, vacate aircraft and stand well back (there could be a queue behind).
- Wear High Viz.
- Complete a fuel request docket to confirm the fuel grade and volume of that uplift.
- The pilot, or another competent person, is required to stay with the aircraft receiving fuel.
- Do not smoke or use any Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) in the vicinity of fuel facilities.
After Fuelling:
- Check the pump for litres and sign the tablet.
- The pilot or competent person will be required to date, sign and print their name on the receipt.
- Please go to the briefing room to make payment, either by cash or credit card (unless you have an account with us). For cash sales (non-account) for fuel and/or oils, payment must be made before the aircraft departs the fuel pumps or, if fuel was delivered by fuel bowser, before departing the aerodrome.
- Please vacate the fuelling area ASAP.

Noise Abatement
- Noise abatement techniques should be practised at all times. Overflight of the residential areas to the east and west of the airport at low altitude (except for the purposes of landing on or taking off from Runway 24/06) should be avoided.
- Runway 02/20 is the preferred runway for noise abatement purposes.
- Aircraft departing Runway 20 should make a 10 degree turn to the right on reaching the railway line. This track should be maintained until reaching the coast before turning left or right on course.
- Ground engine runs should not be performed adjacent to buildings, refuelling areas or on the concrete apron. All engine runs above idle need to be performed on the ‘B’ taxiway or ‘C’ loop.
- Prolonged helicopter hovering details should not be completed adjacent to buildings.
- Prolonged helicopter operations on Runway 24 are to be avoided unless a strong easterly wind prevails.