Cranes and Construction
Development and construction takes place all around as a routine occurrence in everyday life. However, where construction within 10kms of the Airport requires the use of a crane, additional considerations are required to assure the safe operations of aircraft and helicopters.
Please use this link for the latest crane notification guidance and advice:
Crane notification | Civil Aviation Authority
For guidance on the notification process to be followed for cranes and construction in the local vicinity of Brighton City Airport, please read the following document:
Contractors Crane Operation Notification Form
If an application for crane operation is required, please complete the following application form found here and submit it to the Airport.
Brighton City Airport Crane Permit Template
If in any doubt, please contact the Airport for advice and guidance.

Drones, unmanned air vehicles and model aircraft are collectively known as Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA).
There are increasing numbers of SUA being used for business and leisure activities. Following a safety review about flying SUA within the vicinity of an airport and its potential interaction with fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) established a Flight Restriction Zone (FRZ) around every UK aerodrome.
Brighton City Airport aims to prevent accidents and incidents by promoting safe operations of SUA, in particular, within 5 kilometres (circa 3 miles) of the Airport. We ask that owners/operators of SUA who would like to fly their machine in the vicinity of the Airport follow the procedures outlined below:
- Recognise and understand the current UK laws and rules (regularly check for updates)
Drones | Civil Aviation Authority
- Recognise and understand the CAA Drone and Model Aircraft Code
The Drone and Model Aircraft Code | UK Civil Aviation Authority
- Read the Brighton City Airport SUA & Drone Notification Process
SUA & Drone Notification Process
- Complete an Application Form and obtain written permission from the airport authority before flying the SUA
Drone Application Form
Please send the completed application form to us for processing: [email protected]
If you are uncertain about what action to take, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Wildlife Hazard Management
Under ICAO and UK CAA regulations, the Airport is required to ‘reduce the attractiveness of the area to birds/wildlife on and in the vicinity of the airport’. We manage the habitat within the Airport boundary through our long grass policy, hedgerow and tree trimming regimes and active bird and wildlife control measures.
For further information, please refer to the CAA document CAP 772:
Wildlife Hazard Management at Aerodromes